the trustees and constitution

Meet The HCF board of trustees

Morag Underwood

Morag is chair of the trustees.

Paul Underwood

Paul is the charity financial expert and accountant.

Angela Goodall

Angela is charity vice-chair.

Phillip Ward

Phillip is sustainability and community integration champion.

Chris Mount

Chris handles media, technology and web development.

Gary Turner

Gary oversees building infrastructure improvements and maintenance project planning.

Andy Harris

Andy assists with planning, scoping and implementing infrastructure improvements, and hall maintenance.

and our wonderful foundation secretary

Jo Kirtland

Jo is the charity secretary

Helmdon Community Foundation CIO Constitution

Reading Room, Helmdon Community Foundation CIO Constitution, 09 October 2020 (PDF, 310 Kb)

Presentation explaining the reasoning behind our new constitution

Click here to download a copy of the Presentation  (PDF, 1.3MB)

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