all hall Bookings

Calendar of Booked Events

Hirer rates and the online hirer’s guide can be found below the calendar

To make a new booking request, click on the green Plus on the desired date and enter the requested information.

You should see an email shortly after you place your booking sent to the email address entered – please check your spam or junk folders if you do not see it arrive. The invoice will also be sent via email to the same address, so you please make sure you check your junk folders again if you don’t see this arrive within a couple of days.

Reading Room - Hire Charges

The breakage deposit will be refunded in full if an inspection of the property shows its condition to be satisfactory.

Hirers' guide

  • Access - There are steps at the main entrance. Level access is available at the rear of the building, reached via the drive at the side. There is a doorbell at the rear door.
  • Internal Disabled access – there is disabled access throughout the interior of the building with the exception of the main entrance and lobby. There are two fire exits with level access
    and a spacious, accessible toilet.
  • Chairs – sixty padded chairs are available in the large cupboard in the hall and should be re-stacked carefully on the trolleys provided after use.
  • Tables –Ten rectangular folding tables are available in the large cupboard and should be put back after use. There are also 6 square tables available in that cupboard. Care should be taken to ensure the tables are erected properly with diagonal supports clicked into place.
  • Capacity - maximum capacity of the hall is ninety-eight (98) people.
  • Car Parking – cars can be parked carefully on the opposite side of the road from the Reading Room. The drive is not available for car parking for visitors.
  • Lighting - Each area has separately controlled lighting:
    Main Hall – light switches are situated by the main door and operate several
    different switching patterns including a background ceiling wash.
    Living Room – light switches are next to the rear door
    Corridor – Light switch is next to the fuse boxes in the corridor
    Toilets – lights operate automatically with movement near the toilets when the
    corridor light is operational.
    Kitchen – light switch is near the entry door from the corridor
    Meeting Room- a two-way switch is located at each doorway
    Central Heating – There are two sources of heating in the building. Oil-fired central heating and electric Infra Red panels. Oil Boiler operation is controlled by a Timer located next to the boiler in the kitchen. There is a Boost button for instant operation. Please do not alter the settings. The infra red heating is operated remotely. Please do not alter any temperature settings.
  • Water heating – hot water to all taps is provided by an instant water heater under the kitchen sink. It is permanently switched on and there is no need to adjust it.
  • Theatrical lighting - theatrical lighting can be used to create a party mood. If you wish to use this lighting you should advise the booking officer at the time of booking and there may be additional cost.
  • Toilets –Both toilets are unisex. The larger toilet accommodates disabled users and has baby changing facilities.
  • Cleaning materials – The hoover and brooms are kept in the cupboard in the lobby by the front door. Spare paper products are kept here too and rubbish sacs. Cleaning materials and dusters are available in the tall kitchen cupboard in the far right hand corner of the kitchen. Tea towels are under the kitchen sink as well as additional rubbish sacs.
  • Rubbish & Recycling – Please take care when sorting your rubbish. The Reading Room wishes to ensure that its impact on the environment is minimal.
    The BLACK BIN in the kitchen is for the disposal of non-recyclable waste in black bin
    Recyclables (inc bottles) are to be disposed of in the WHITE kitchen bin- no plastic liners
    Food waste goes in the food caddy in the appropriate food recycling bag.
  • External recycling – Empty each bin into the appropriate bin at the end of the drive. DO NOT USE the bins which belong to the cottage next door.
  • Accident & First Aid - a First Aid Box is on the wall in the small meeting room and another is under the kitchen sink. All accidents should be recorded in the Accident Book (which is kept in the filing concertina in the kitchen, next to the microwave). Ring 999 only in case of danger to life. Ring 111 for medical advice if you are not sure what action to take.
  • Fire - if you discover a fire use the break-glass points to sound the alarm. Evacuate the
    building immediately via the nearest exit. Assembly Point is the pub (the Fat Landlord). Fire extinguishers are available and should be used to delay the progress of fire, if you feel
    confident doing so. Ring 999 to call the fire brigade.
  • Fire Escapes – All fire escapes MUST be accessible at all times. If you choose to lock the front door whilst you are using the building THE KEY MUST BE LEFT IN THE LOCK.
  • Microwave – a Microwave oven is available.
  • Ovens and Hob - the main control switch for the 2 Electric Ovens and hobs is on the wall above
  • Dishwasher - is available for general use. The main switch is on the wall above, and
    details of operation are described on the laminated instructions on the wall. It MUST be switched on at least 30 minutes prior to use and only takes about 10 to 15 minutes to
    complete a cycle.
  • Water Urn – available for all hirers to use but please ensure it is switched off at the wall and emptied.
  • Fridge - is available for general use. DO NOT ALTER THE TEMPERATURE.
  • Crockery, cutlery and glasses - a wide selection of crockery, cutlery, glasses, cups, saucers, teapots, etc. are available in the kitchen cupboards near the kettles and in the central island.
  • Manuals -all operation manuals are located in a yellow file and a concertina file next to the microwave in the kitchen.
  • Coffee machine – located in the “Living room” area with coffee pods and tea bags. Please follow instructions and leave a donation to cover drinks costs.
  • Audio System – the hall has a high quality surround sound audio system, including a CD
    player. It has AUX inputs (RCA sockets) for user’s own devices plus a microphone mixer. Full instruction manual is in the audio cupboard in a green folder.
  • Microphones - Professional hand-held and lapel wireless microphones for use with the
    system are available for hire by prior request.
  • CD (music) Player – plays music CDs and also plays mp3 tracks from CD/DVD disc media or USB stick
  • Projector - A ceiling-mounted projector is available to hire by prior request. This can
    be used with your own laptop or smart device - connecting via HDMI or SVGA cable. Projector screen - there is a pull-down projector screen in the main hall. The screen is pulled down using the short pole with a hook on the end hanging at the side of the audio cupboard.
  • Hearing Loop – the main hall is fitted with an induction-type hearing loop for those users wearing hearing aids.
  • WiFi- is available free of charge to all hirers. No password required on RR Guest.
  • Temporary Event Notice (TEN) – is required if alcohol is to be SOLD on the premises. It can be obtained online from West Northants Council at a cost of £21. The application requires a minimum of 10 working days notice. A copy of the licence must be given to the booking officer.
  • Licences to play music are held by the Reading room
  • A licence to show films to the public has been obtained from MPLC Ltd. See their website for details of films included in this licence.

The main hall entrance, kitchen fire exit and accessible entrance are all 24hr CCTV. Everyone entering and leaving the building is recorded. Should you have need to access these recordings for times you have use of the hall, please let us know for what reason and the periods of interest via our  contact page and we will review your request.

When exiting the building please ensure that:

  • The fire door at the far end of the hall is properly closed.
  • The fire door from the kitchen to the outside is shut and locked. Read the notice
    beside the door
  • All lights are turned off.

The outside lights and lobby light will automatically provide lighting for your exit.